In today's world, as you all could assume that like rest of everything, education itself has changed a lot. With the development and progression of technology, expecting education to stay neutral to this huge stunning wave would not make sense when viewed in detail. One of the most impactful features this century provides is, of course, its communication facilities. As a result of communication development, teachers could reach student responses faster and group work among students can be made easier. Consequently, productivity rates are getting higher with collaboration. Thanks to this era, the network we access has been improved day by day, which boosts students' comprehension of content knowledge. No matter what we are on to, the materials and the tools we have right before what we are going to do affect our motivation and inner drive to get it done. And, with the unlimited sources this century has in itself, no one of us would suffer from deficiencies about sources nor materials. This era's character really helps and facilitates this issue. To sum up, this generation's features cannot be underestimated, also it offers us a power that can be utilized to access everything as long as we want to achieve it through this voyage.